Recovery Items
In battle, your Pokйmon are going to get injured or use up all the power points. As such, if you are in-battle or far from a Pokйmon Centre, you're going to need these Recovery Items. These items work in many ways and can heal your Pokйmon's Hit Points, restore them from a status condition or event bring a fainted Pokйmon back.
Всё по 100. AntidoteA spray-type medicine. It lifts the effect of poison from one Pokйmon.
Awakening A spray-type medicine. It awakens a Pokйmon from the clutches of sleep.
Berry Juice A 100% pure juice made of Berries. It restores the HP of one Pokйmon by just 20 points.
Burn Heal A spray-type medicine. It heals a single Pokйmon that is suffering from a burn.
Elixir It restores the PP of all the moves learned by the targeted Pokйmon by 10 points each.
Energy Root A very bitter root. It restores the HP of one Pokйmon by 200 points.
EnergyPowder A very bitter medicine powder. It restores the HP of one Pokйmon by 50 points.
Ether It restores the PP of a Pokйmon's selected move by a maximum of 10 points.
Fresh Water Water with a high mineral content. It restores the HP of one Pokйmon by 50 points.
Full Heal A spray-type medicine. It heals all the status problems of a single Pokйmon.
Full Restore A medicine that fully restores the HP and heals any status problems of a single Pokйmon.
Heal Powder A very bitter medicine powder. It heals all the status problems of a single Pokйmon.
Heart Sweets A very sugary chocolate. It restores one Pokemon's HP by 20.
Hiun Ice-cream A specialty of Hiun City. It will restore the status afflictions of one Pokemon.
Hyper Potion A spray-type medicine for wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokйmon by 200 points.
Ice Heal A spray-type medicine. It defrosts a Pokйmon that has been frozen solid.
Lava Cookie Lavaridge Town's local specialty. It heals all the status problems of one Pokйmon.
Lemonade A very sweet drink. It restores the HP of one Pokйmon by 80 points.
Max Elixir It fully restores the PP of all the moves learned by the targeted Pokйmon.
Max Ether It fully restores the PP of a single selected move that has been learned by the target Pokйmon.
Max Potion A spray-type medicine for wounds. It completely restores the HP of a single Pokйmon.
Max Revive A medicine that revives a fainted Pokйmon. It fully restores the Pokйmon's HP.
Moomoo Milk Milk with a very high nutrition content. It restores the HP of one Pokйmon by 100 points.
Old Gateau Old Chateau's hidden specialty. It heals all the status problems of a single Pokйmon.
Parlyz Heal A spray-type medicine. It eliminates paralysis from a single Pokйmon.
Potion A spray-type medicine for wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokйmon by just 20 points.
Ragecandybar A famous candy in Mahogany Town. Many tourists like to buy them to take home.
Revival Herb A very bitter medicinal herb. It revives a fainted Pokйmon, fully restoring its HP.
Revive A medicine that revives a fainted Pokйmon. It restores half the Pokйmon's maximum HP.
Sacred Ash It revives all fainted Pokйmon. In doing so, it also fully restores their HP.
Soda Pop A fizzy soda drink. It restores the HP of one Pokйmon by 60 points.
Super Potion A spray-type medicine for wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokйmon by 50 points.